The gaming machine, retail kiosk and pay-to-play markets have been transformed in recent years by the move to PC-based technology. Using a Linux or Windows operating system, manufacturers can now develop and launch new machines and applications in a very short time period.
The PayLink I/O Board offers these manufacturers an equally simple and fast method of interfacing to various payment hardware peripherals - coin, banknote, ticket and tokens. PayLink additionally enables simple and fast connection of a range of other units such as buttons, switches, status LEDs, lamp drivers and serial meters.
Using PayLink as part of the Eurocoin flexible PaySystem solution, developers are able to integrate the exact cash receipt and payment combinations that they require, quickly and cost-effectively.
The PayLink module connects to a USB port on a PC, and allows the operating system to communicate with up to 16 peripheral devices. PayLink can communicate with devices using ccTalk, ID003 or MDB protocols.